Vote, Akashaton for Ostlandet, and Gullpartiet!

Day 1,218, 05:37 Published in Norway Norway by Akashaton

Vote for me, Akashaton!

In the upcoming Congressional election.
I will be running for Ostlandet, and Gullpartiet!
If you will grant me the necessary votes,
this will be my second term as your Congressman.
In this term as a Congressman, I managed to lower taxes,
in particularly on weapons Link to my low proposal:
Taxes before me:
My low on Grain:

So please let me have your vote, giving me, ones more, the chance to be
your voice, the voice of change, and freedom!!!

Friendly regards from your Congressman,

vPP. of Gullpartiet.
Ambassador of eEgypt and eBelarus.
Leader of N.I.E.T.

My Link: