TURP: Recruiting/Promoting Newbies

Day 2,070, 06:17 Published in USA Ireland by Thomas Killah

Ok so Amanda Torian has written the new TURP Recruitment letter, that all should use when recruiting. This message can be found at the TURP Forums. But for the people who still havent regstered on the forum here it is:

Make sure you replace her name and position with your own where mine is;

I’d like to introduce you to The United Republic Party & invite you to join us once you reach level 13 in the game.

It’s an exciting though often frustrating time to be a citizen of the eUSA. I know it can be a bit overwhelming trying to understand the political upheaval taking place in our country. We’d love to have you join us in fighting against the Political Takeover (PTO). As a nation we are rebuilding the foundations of our country & striving to bring peace back to our states. Our party hopes to help the eUSA regain its standing in the game & we’d love to have your help. Join us in raising our voices to a powerful push for victory!

If you’re in need of help in the game, members of our party are quite willing to assist you in finding the help you need. There are programs that give free food & weapons, so that you don’t have to spend your own hard-earned money fighting for our country. In fact, once a member of our party, you will be entitled to free Q7 tanks, which will not only assist in our nation’s struggle, but will help you toward any goals you may have in the game, such as True Patriot & Battle Hero medals, which come with substantial Gold rewards.

Be active as we fight off our enemies daily & join a new or good Military Unit (MU). As of now we are at WAR, we must defend OUR COUNTRY, OUR MOTHERLAND! Join us to defend against the Invaders!Join us for the freedom of our great Nation! Join The United Republic Party for Freedom & for Peace!

I apologize for taking up so much of your time. Remember to have fun & enjoy your experience & do feel free to contact me for anything -- even if it’s only to have a friendly ear to chat with.

Join our Party Now @ lvl 13 & Up!

As well join our MU:

Amanda Torian, Director Of Media, The United Republic Party