TURP Goals Series: Part 2- Constitution and Meta-Game

Day 2,067, 17:02 Published in USA Ireland by Thomas Killah

Okay, so I was getting ready to write part 2 and 3, but I though, since they both are going to be very short why not but them together for a normal sized article?

2a. The Constitution: TURP's Cabinet/Directors/Deputies are currently voting on which T5 party's constitution we should use as a template for our own. The constitution will act as a goal guideline and a set a rools for the party.

2b. Meta-Game: We have a very large party(80+ members), but only a good handful of them are active (35-45 is my rough estimate), and of those active members only a handful of them are registered on the TURP Forum. SO we have decided to implement meta-game party president elections, so that we can get more of our players active and participating on our forums.

An extra thing I added since its an issue:
3. IRC: I have created a new IRC awhile ago for the party, and yet I'm the only one who is ever on, it might just be that we get on at different times, but I get on about 5 times a day and I'm usually the only one. And when there are more people on than just me, they aren't even from the party. The new IRC is #TURP.

Well, that's all I have now, so remember to vote/suscribe.