TURP Goals Series: Part 1- TURP Projects

Day 2,066, 06:32 Published in USA Ireland by Thomas Killah

Hello everyone! The first part of my 3 part series will be on TURP Projects.

So, Alexandrer and I were talking about what are goals should be for this term, besides recruiting to get to the next rank. Alexandrer went through some of my old articles and found the APP Projects that were never really implemented into the party and just sat there as our party died. SO we decided to bring back the APP Projects aka TURP Projects. I will be working on a google spreadsheet that covers all of the projects explanations, and such. Once I am finished with the google spreadsheet I will put it into my most recent article as an update and then have it at the bottom of every article I write for the remainder of this term.

Just to give you some sort of idea what it will be like I will post below some of the previous projects, which most likely will stay in the TURP Projects.