Treasure Map Stats (with raw data)

Day 933, 15:13 Published in USA Greece by Che Greco

There has been great talk lately of Treasure Maps so I did some research on the 10% commission Society Builder's receive and found the average gold treasure map is 4,3 gold. The results can be seen in the image above (click to enlarge) and also from following spreadsheet which subtracts any purchases from treasure maps (one person made a purchase - my favourite son xD):

Out of 38 rewards analyzed, none have received more than 5 gold, although I personally received a treasure of kings around 49 gold on my second map but I do not have date from my own maps though so they are not included here.

I've gotten about 7 maps since the new rules came into effect, so I guess the chance of opening a Treasure of Kings is less than 1 in 45?

I invite all society builders to do the same if they can. It's best way to get most accurate statistics. Also if anyone notices any errors please let me know!