Today we face many enemies of freedom, liberty, and sovereignty

Day 263, 21:08 Published in Canada Canada by Tantis

Uknown Today we face many enemies of freedom, liberty, and sovereignty

Many Canadian warriors gave their blood to Canadian Freedom so that we could rest in our homes safe from tyranny, oppression, poverty, and many of the things that other countries are still battling with. We are rising to be a wealthy superpower because of our past ethics, honesty, hard work, and a collective commitment on behalf of our country—and a new parchment of ideals we chose to all live by—and even some to die for.

I am proud to be a Canadian citizen. I will fight to defend her honor and freedom and the honor and sacrifices of all patriots who have fallen to defend her in the past, and the rights of others to criticize me. For I am not afraid to be called a patriot, guardian to Liberty, defender of my fellow patriots, champion to new ideas tempered with ancient and proven wisdom's, forged from the light of the Great Ones, the Sons Of Liberty, to which I am but a drop of cooling wax in compare.

If you are a fellow patriot, a citizen who values liberty and displays their heart in actions, I would ask that you approach me. I would ask that you participate in one of thousands of ways to help your country and fellow Citizen. I would ask for your contributions in time, support or in whatever little or grand way that you might offer—for your gifts, no matter how small or large, will be respectfully laid on the mantel of freedom in preservation of Canada, and her ideals, and her blessed children, the sons and daughters who have earned the right to call themselves patriots—true Citizens of Canada.

“We The People” shall eternally reward those who protect and honor our liberty, and Rights, and our Constitution—and who sacrifice their time and efforts to bestow on us the ultimate gift to bless our nation—Canadian Citizenship exercised fully and respectfully!

For freedom and respect are not given freely, they are only earned in the fires of hard work and long toil, in the name of what is right, not by guide of profits or self interests.

Bless Canada! And keep safe the Tree Of Liberty from whose shade and Spirit we gather to protect... and eat of her fruits so sweetly—The Canadian Dream!