Thursday's Daily Chuckle

Day 2,571, 04:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Nights0ul


"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life:
it goes on."

-- Robert Frost


A well-dressed gentleman entered an upscale restaurant in the East End of Manhattan and took a seat at the bar. The bartender came over and asked "What can I get you to drink, sir?"

The gentleman responded, "Nothing, thank you. I tried alcohol once, didn't like it, and never tried it again."

The bartender was a bit perplexed, but being a friendly sort, he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and offered the gentleman one.

The gentleman refused, saying, "I tried smoking once, didn't like it, and never did it again. The point is, I wouldn't be in here at all, except that I'm waiting for my son."

The bartender retorted, "Your only child, I presume?"


A distant cousin of Syngman Rhee from Korea got a job as a photographer for Life Magazine. His work was excellent, and he soon became one of their top stars. One day he failed to show up for work.

A week went by and he still did not show. Fellow workers phoned his hotel and checked all possible points where he could be visiting. Finally, they organized a posse and began combing the city block by block.

One searcher entered a bar in the slinky part of town, and there, on a stool, was his man. Overcome with joy and relief, the searcher rushed up and exclaimed, "Ah, sweet Mr. Rhee, of Life, at last I found you."


A new young blonde bride calls her mother in tears. She sobs, "Robert doesn't appreciate what I do for him!"

"Now, now," her mother comforted, "I am sure it was all just a misunderstanding."

"No, mother," the young woman laments. "'I bought a frozen turkey loaf and he yelled at me about the price."

"Well, that is being miserly," the mother agreed, "Those turkey rolls are only a few dollars."

"No, mother it wasn't the price of the turkey roll, it was the airplane ticket."

"Airplane ticket.... What did you need an airplane ticket for?"

"Well, Mother, when I went to fix it, I looked at the directions on the back and it said, 'PREPARE FROM A FROZEN STATE,' so I flew to Alaska."


I hate those Russian Dolls; they're so full of themselves....