The World Explodes

Day 813, 15:32 Published in Canada Canada by Auk Rest

Welcome to another edition of my paper. I'm here to give insight on the latest events of the eWorld. PHOENIX has certainly struck back in this World War IV. Let's start out with the main focus: China.

Russia Invades China

Earlier yesterday Russia invaded two Chinese regions, Xinjiang, and Liaoning. If you recall, Liaoning is the region EDEN fought so hard to wrestle from the hands of Iran and PHOENIX. These efforts went in vane earlier today where Russia won both regions, despite some support. In my opinion, it seems as though little effort was made by EDEN to defend these regions, which is a big mistake.

In response to the attacks on China, the Phillipines stopped their training war with China and Malaysia. The Phillipines trudged through China, region swapping in an attempt to wall of Russia from further attacks. Unfortunately, the Phillipinos are now under attack by a flurry of resistance wars, which I doubt Phillipines will be able to ward off with their small population.

The last thing I have to say here is to thank all Canadians who fought in China, especially in Liaoning. We didn't win, but we gave Russia a fight.

Greece Breaks Turkish Stalemate

In response to the invasion of China, Greece broke the stalemate between them and their hated neighbor, Turkey. If you recall, Turkey and Greece were doing regular attacks on each other to divert damage from other fronts, and also for a slight chance of Greece breaking through to Asia and Turkey gaining Central Greece (high iron) for themselves.

Well, as we know, eRepublik ran into some trouble in January from attacks that situated in Turkey. In order to protect the other players, the whole Asia Minor server was shut down. Real life Turks were unable to play. Greece honorably decided not to attack while their opponent was down.

Yesterday broke that stalemate for now, Greece attacked Aegean Coast of Turkey, hoping to both absorb damage and break into Turkey to overrun it. Well, Greece is on its way to doing just that. They won the battle of the Aegean Coast and are now attacking the Turkish Capital Central Anatolia. Right now, the battle is in Rural Area.

Other Battles

EDEN is trying desperately to waste PHOENIX damage on other fronts, and PHOENIX is trying to do the same to EDEN. EDEN has attacked Brazil through the Polish puppet state Peru. A series of resistance wars against Brazil in Venezuela have also taken place, to waste PHOENIX resources.

The United States has also continued to attack Great Britain, which, at the current time is a damage wasting battle. The focus will return to the United Kingdom (now just England) once other places of the eWorld are secure.

Thank you all for listening to another edition of my paper. As always, vote and subscribe!