The North European Treaty Organization - Utopia or Inevitablity?

Day 311, 13:13 Published in Norway Finland by Erwin Schauman

V1 is continuing its relentless march towards the view, and it promises us a new era of diplomacy, economy and warfare. However, it also brings us challenges. Obstacles to overcome. What does the future hold for Finland, a small stricken nation in the north?

All Scandinavian countries got the short stick in the resource lottery, and now it seems we will neither receive production bonuses. How are we to compete against the supernations that use their industrial might to mass produce everything and invade our markets with cheap products? The economic system is broken beyond comparison, and it is to this fact we have to get used to. The developers want to choke the small countries. If their new rules wont do it, then the certain battles for resources will.

V1 will make wars of conquest much more attractive option. Russia became one of the richest countries in the world, but this might also be their undoing. As we speak, greedy plans to invade them are most likely being made in the headquarters of aggressive nations. Alone they can't defend their country. Perhaps PEACE or ATLANTIS will help? Wrong. The time of big alliances is coming to an end. They are too massive to remain intact. Not anymore, when resources have become a good incentive to invade other countries.

Is there no hope for us and our Scandinavian and Russian brothers?

My suggestion to the situation is the formation of The North European Treaty Organization (NETO) with Sweden, Norway, Finland, Russia and Poland. The union would be dedicated for safeguarding the North European (including Russia, Germany and Poland) resources and territorial inviolability. This agreement would be made in addition to other alliances that the members might have, but it takes precedence in cases of conflict.

The secondary function of this union would be to ensure the free movement of resources from one union country to another, in order to make sure our economies will not collapse under foreign pressure.

The member states would remain independent, and able to dictate their own regional laws, as long as they don't conflict with the free trade regulations of the NETO. However, the matters of international importance are decided in Union Congress, consisting of ten elected players from each of the member states. The Union Congress would have the power to decide, if all member states go to war and if trade embargoes have to be issued or if import taxes have to be changed.

I would like to invite players from all the suggested member countries to discuss this proposal in an open manner, and to provide solutions to its possible problems.

Can we stand united or do we all try to aspire for greatness by ourselves?


Sabaton - Union. It's about allies fighting in Italy during WW2, but some of the lyrics are accurate even in this case.