The National Defense U.S Needs You!

Day 1,782, 12:35 Published in USA USA by Syz2

National Defense U.S is a Military Unit dedicated to serving the US every day and in the best possible way to keep our nation great. Orders are set and prioritized as frequently as possible, to make sure the DoD orders are fulfilled and the country and its bonuses are safe. We are not affiliated with any political party.

There are no requirements in strength or rank to join. It is an open MU and to join all you have to do is sign up. We do require members to be active though. If any member is inactive too long without informing the Commander, they will be removed.
Full membership Requirements are: Captain rank, defeat 10 enemies in any campaign.

To join, go to the military unit page here and just click join. We are looking for more active members

For more information, contact the commanders:
Commander - zlija -
2nd Commander - Syz2 -
2nd Commander - ztown -