The Labour Party's Former Party President to Run for President of eArmenia Again in Next Month's Presidential Election

Day 2,891, 17:30 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

The Labour Party's former leader, Anthony have announced that he will be running for President of eArmenia in the November presidential elections. He will take a harder and moderate stance at the current problems that our country is facing including abortion, LGBT rights, War, Great Recesssion, healthcare and most importantly, immigration. He said to the Examiner that he wants the people of eArmenia to vote for him as the next president of eArmenia so that he can solve all of the problems one by one and that our country can become the best places to live and to work here. He also said that once he's elected as President, he will support traditional marriage and banning same-sex marriage because marriage is supposed to be like a male and a female, just like Adam and Eve. Lastly, he also said that he will also support transgender rights in eArmenia because every transgender can receive the same rights but they will receive similar rights including the right to change sex, the right to marry and the right to serve in any military unit in eArmenia. Once he's elected, he might like be the newest rising star in eArmenia's political scene.