The IRE - UK war - status updates!

Day 576, 10:14 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence

This is a message mainly aimed towards international participants..

Ireland would like to thank any nation that offered us aid in these times. The sad part is that, Ireland can't supply you with a means to repay you, except for our lasting gratitude. If you are one of the nation's that will come over to support our defense, please, make sure that you too do not lose out on a lot of financial support.

As we of the IDF have already ordered our troops not to spend their fortune in the battle that starts in a few hours, I would advise the other nations to take the same approach. Ireland would hate to see all of your money go to waste, although we really appreciate the effort that you would put in.

If you still wish to come and help us, you are welcomed very warmly and are invited to visit our Q5 hospital located in The Northeast. We are grateful for the support, but I'm sure you understand that Ireland does not wish for it's allies to jeapardise their own national security for the sake of defending Ireland.

That being said..Éirinn go Brách!