The good old days, remember when we used to care?

Day 1,050, 20:38 Published in Australia Australia by Arthinian

Hello eAustralia (if anyone is still our there),

Remember the good old days, when we used to care about being eAustralian?

remember how we rallied under this?

I know over the past few months we have experienced some our darkest and most frustrating days as a Nation and lost good people and players because of it.

I have almost rage quit so many times i seriously couldn't count them all.
One thing i learnt about this game whilst i was in eNK for a short period was that eAus had a great community of people who used to be so passionate about eAustralia, but we lost our purpose in why we play the game. We allowed a bunch of cheaters eat away at our identity as an eNation.

You can never 'win' eRep, but you can enjoy the challenge of trying.

We allowed a select bunch of morons continually dictate who should be in the congress and we allowed their lack of interpersonal relationship skills bring down morale and mateship as they sought their own agenda and purpose at the expense of the nation. You know who you are.
The ANP and AMP battles have been a major part in the demise of country.
The continual trolling and name calling in the name of 'partisan politics' disillusioned many.
Was it worth it in the end? Who won from your continual crap?

For those who may have already rage quit or only log in every now and again. If you read this, take time out and forget about eRep and come back fresh with a new perspective. I think to many of us got too involved in the game and forgot it is supposed to be enjoyable.

Remember when we used to care?
We may never get rid of this PTO, but we should rally together and never lose the community we have in eAus.
Many great players have left, many have gone to other countries.
Maybe this next couple of months could be a new birthing of our nations, where we see the end of the bulls#$% and the beginning of teamwork and a few lulz.

& Lets join together and start playing like we care.

Who's in?