The eCanada Administration

Day 353, 05:54 Published in Canada Canada by Tantis

This Months Government Administration

Prime Minister - Tantis
Deputy Prime Minister - Alexander Rearden
General - John Wilkmot
MoFA - Augustus Baldwin
dMoFA - Emilio Sanchez
CoMoIA - Riashain
CoMoIA - Cesar Augustus
MoF - Alexander Rearden
dMoF - Send me a PM if you are interested


This month's cabinet is going for depth and not width like previous cabinets, we want to get people involved without making them a minister or deputy minister (not yet anyway). So, if any congressmen or just average citizens wanna help out in a specific area of the government, get some experience and work your way up the ladder, PM the Minister of the area you are interested in and I am sure they can find a task for you. For example, if you are a skilled wiki users, send Riashain a pm letting him now and voila he has the authority to make you Grand Poobah of the eCanadian Wiki (or title of your choosing) and are responsible with keeping the wiki up to date.

Like to keep your pulse on world affairs? Contact the Minister of Foreign Affairs and be an ambassador, or information specialist. With this streamlined cabinet we can get more things done and get more people involved in government without slowing down the system.

Once again congratulations to this month's cabinet.