The eArms Race

Day 4,326, 13:31 Published in India India by Murthu

The Arms Race is the second most stupidest thing that human beings have ever been convinced about (the first being that Kim Kardashian is hot).

Money that could have been used to build schools, affordable housing, eliminate hunger and poverty are used to increase war material to kill other fellow human beings. We could end the millions of death by providing clean drinking water, ending famine and droughts.

But we'd rather build drones to hunt a handful of bad men (who were initially products of the above problems).

It's a weird race.. in that there is no 'set goal', just having more war material and increasing the sophistication of their current war technology.

Politicians use our most basic animal instinct of violence and abstract communal hatred to to fund these attempts. And the money is usually going to the smartest of the lot who know our weaknesses. They clink their finest champagnes, and laugh in hedonistic parties conducted in their prime isolated villas. Isolated from all the mess they have created, the corruption, the disease, the pollution, they're away from all this and laughing at us for funding their lifestyle.

Just because we're convinced that we need to be ahead to potentially kill a faceless people, fight an abstract idea and defend a corrupted institution pretending to be a democracy.

What I am trying to say is.. the Devs are using this same urge to eImpoverish us. We don't need the Power Spin. We only click it because the other person is doing it. We're only doing it to increase our 'war material' over our enemies. There's no benefit in losing our valuable resources in this nonsense.

The Devs can do a lot more, Guerrilla Warfare had resources you can buy with cc. They let that module die. Do something with it, a module that actually relies on skill than some random numbers dictating the outcome. Turn it into a team based, turn based fighting game. Where you can add 10/20/30/50 million extra damage by accomplishing/destroying objectives. Heck, we can do it with the current module by just expanding it.

Sell small battle boosts that can be purchased using cc and used in battles. The 'Strength Switch', sell those tokens for cc.

Bombs that decrease damage in a battle for everyone (that can be used strategically)? Make them a purchasable item by various countries that can be used by the CP/MOD.

Or how about Shields? You're in a aggressive war and worried that the enemy can attack when you're asleep? Shields to protect yourself that once again can be activated by the CP/MOD. Like Houses they can be switched on/off.

They just need to think for a bit. Is there insane amount of floating cc in the game an issue? YES. I agree. It is causing a terrible inflation and messing up the game dynamics.

But instead of siphoning it off uselessly into Cities, or making people gamble it away in a ridiculous and frustrating Arms Race, make people use it to have fun.

Just another idea from someone who used to enjoys this game, especially for the community. And now wants it to improve before it loses that community.

And for that, you just have to do one thing. DO NOT SPEND A SINGLE CC ON THAT SPIN TOMORROW. Buy a pack instead. Or purchase Q7 weps and food for the next event. But please DO NOT SPEND A SINGLE CC ON THAT SPIN TOMORROW!