The Belgian Training Academy

Day 1,597, 15:53 Published in Belgium Belgium by Nohjis

The Belgian Training Academy !

So, you’re new and you just woke up in a scary eWorld that seems to be in constant wars ? You might want to look for a place to learn, a place where people can help you with your questions and more importantly give you some assistance to grow faster.

What is the Belgian Training Academy ?

The Belgian Training Academy is a branch of the national army specifically for young players (until maximum 1.250 strength). If you’re looking for a nice start in eWorld, join us. Thanks to state funding, we’re able to offer you 600 health recovery a day. The only condition is that you kill an enemy in any battle.

The beauty about the Belgian Training Academy is that all who’re in it help eachother out when questions are asked, that there’s help when you get stuck, you needn’t be afraid, the military unit is there just for that. Helping eachother out.

How do you join ?

From the Community menu on the Military Unit tab you’ll find the Belgian Training Academy.

General information is always available on the wiki:

Where does this funding come from ?

For each product sold on our market, for each person working, taxes are paid to the state account. Based on this month’s taxes, BTA has received 451.395 BEF. This ensures that all food can be bought. If there’s a need for more, several private citizens volunteer to give us a little extra in the form of food they produce. Any excess will be returned to the state or used in a future month. (For all to understand, the large majority of taxes are paid by “the bot”, this market regulation tool ensures your products are bought of the market as there is a very high overproduction of goods.)

We want you for the Belgian Training Academy !
Nohjis - Commander
Bert en Ernie - 2nd Commander
Johny English A - Captain