Survey Results

Day 943, 01:16 Published in Germany Germany by Alex Drex

The other day I posted a survey in my article, I said the results would be in two days, but I am a little late. A bit busy in RL yesterday, but oh well. Here are the results. :

44 people completed the survey.

Here are the questions and the answers:

What military skill will you specialize on in v2? (note: more than one choice was available for this question)

Air Unit: 14
Artillery: 11
Infantry: 10
Tank: 9
No Answer: 5

Have you played the Beta yet?

Yes: 22
No: 16
I am still waiting for access: 5
I haven't signed up or don't know where to: 1

Do you think v2 will make eRepublik more fun?

Yes: 11
No: 11
I am not sure: 22

When do you think the final version of v2 will be released?

Less than one month: 6
One to two months: 23
three to five months: 11
six months or more: 4

Do you think the new gameplay will boost activity?

Yes: 17
No: 27

Are you looking forward to eRepublik v2?

Yes: 19
No: 25

As you can see, the spread of military specializations is pretty even, most people think v2 will be released relatively soon, and a slight majority are not looking forward to the new version. Of course, with only 44 survey takers these results aren't accurate on a general scale, but still an interesting though. If I ever do another survey, hopefully more people will partake. 😉

Thanks to everyone who took the survey, and all of my readers. 😃

Alex Drex
-Ambassador to US and Canada
-EK X Soldier

Ipsa scientia potesta est.
Knowledge itself is power.

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