Survey - kérdőív

Day 1,451, 05:23 Published in Hungary Hungary by mobra

At the last question, there's a possibility to write some text.
Just for your information., my opinion was this:
the game is too greedy, it has too many bugs, and seems to be unfair as long as we don't have battle logs.
i wil not buy gold any more, nor recommend it to anyone

If you think it's interesting, vote it into international, pls.

Az utolsó kérdésnél lehet véleményt írni.
Ha valakit érdekelne esetleg, én ezt írtam bele:

the game is too greedy, it has too many bugs, and seems to be unfair as long as we don't have battle logs.
i wil not buy gold any more, nor recommend it to anyone

Ha szerintetek ez okosság, szavazzátok fel nemzetközibe.