Sooo, i am running for a Senate seat in WA, just one, that's all.

Day 1,280, 21:31 Published in Australia Australia by Arthinian

Hey peeps,

I have decided to run for senate in WA.
I have been around for a while and have really enjoyed the last few weeks of eRepublik and especially seeing eAustralia with all her regions back.

What i hope to do by running for the senate is to keep the continuation of common sense flowing and to present some different ideas on how Australia could go forward and not see us be wiped from the map with such ease.
I would like to present just some of the ideas i have...there are many more.

I have some ideas around military that are as follows.

1. Get the military functioning and fun. Like it used to be. It can always do with a lot more help. This can be achieved but requires a more effective use of MU's.
2. Create MU's where we can focus in on time Zones more effectively and work with how people play the game and try and use there 'playing time' to produce the most effective 'hitting' power. This would require some discussion and potential surveys how when/what time people play erepublik and what time zones they live in etc. If we are to stay free we need to stay disciplined and effective.

3. I would like to develpo stronger ties and military colloboration with smaller countries and smaller allies. This may play out significantly when the big boys are busy fighting their own wars and we are left to face the giants alone. I have had several discussions with other leaders around the world about how this could work out. We must stand tall and smart against the multinesians.

I am not a big forum dweller and i like to maintain my communications and playing in the actual game where the most amount of people are present. So, feel free to drop me messages or contact me that way. I am on several times a day, even if for only a short period of time.

I won't bore you with fake promises, just that i understand the game and i have ideas up the ying yang!

So throw me a vote or two, i am not interested in the medal or the gold, i will donate my Gold to the Government should i win a senate spot.

Let's have some fun and make eAustralia a place where people want to be...
So remember next time.....

Thanks, VOTE for ARTHINIAN in WA