Some thoughts concerning eNetherlands

Day 2,966, 07:08 Published in Netherlands Poland by Gwom

Dear fellow eDutchmen,

It has been a long time since I wrote an article, and usually they are filled with joy, contests and humour. But now I see no other alternatives than to bring this in a serious way...
My task
The past few months I made it my personal goal to welcome new citizens to our country, I tracked them down and sent them an additional welcome message containing more information than the default one. After a while I also started checking if they were active, so I sent them a friend request and kept track of their level.

My Discovery
After doing this for around three months, I made a horrible discovery...
Only 20% of the new citizens logged in more than one time. That means that 80% of all new citizens never log in again after creating their account!
Of the 82 new citizens that joined in these 3 months, only 16 returned to eRepublik after creating their account.

My Fear
After discovering this I got horribly depressed. I realised we are a dying community. We constantly lose people to boredom or inactivity, and we barely receive new citizens. I thought about this and made the following conclusion: We are to small to achieve any great things through war, and that is what eRepublik is mostly about. People are getting bored by running a country where barely anything happens. As a result every minor matter is blown up to immense proportions and debated over and over again in congress. People start to attack each other because we lack a common enemy. When I joined we were perma wiped by ePoland, people complained about it all the time, but we had something to fight for, a common goal. But today there is none, and we a slowly dissolving into division and inactivity. People don't really care who the next president will be, because there is nothing big he can decide on. We probably sail he same course as before.

The Solution?
For years I called for unity, but maybe that will decrease the activity even more. Fighting each other is all we have left...
We must find a common goal again. Even training wars help. We can recruit what we want, but if we don't have any activities to keep these new players active, it doesn't work. So what do I want to achieve with this article? I honestly don't know, but this has been on my mind for some time, and I felt the need to share it with you.

Sincerely yours,