Day 362, 17:29 Published in Italy Italy by Fitzcarraldo

Un forum Venezuelano(hanno erepublik?)mi ha incuriosito molto.Si parlava dell'organizzazione militare americana.Mi sono copiato un paio di cose che mi sembrano piuttosto interessanti.Prima di proporvele,vi inviterei anche a riflettere,su come una buona organizzazione,seppur militare,tenda a coinvolgere da subito i nuovi giocatori e,a mio parere,a reclutarne altri.

Il secondo giorno di Erepublik in Usa,si viene contattati dalla Guardia Nazionale:

eUSA Needs YOU!
I am writing to encourage you to join the eUSA Military!
We could use your help in the upcoming months. Our
new President, Benn Dover, is determined to build our
economy by going to war. We could use the help of all
our citizens to make sure we win each fight so that our
economy is, indeed, better when the war is over.
How does this effect you? A better economy means higher
wages at your job, and better prices for food, houses, and
gifts. Also, the eUSA military wants to help each solider
reach 100% wellness. You can be set up with a gifting
partner to help you reach your maximum potential as a
citizen of eRepublik! The National Guard also pays its
soldiers each week, and everyone could use a boost to
their income.
If you are interested in learning more about joining the
National Guard, please reply to this message and I will
help you get started.
Why am I helping you? Not so long ago I was lost in
eRepublik, and someone helped me. So I am just passing
along the help to make sure we have an awesome eUSA!
Our President is also wanting to boost our eMilitary, and
as a Squad Leader, I do as my Commander in Chief
X Squad Leader,X Division of the National Guard

Se accetti,il percorso prosegue e,nei 2 giorni sucessivi arriva la seconda missiva:

The first thing you need to do to join the military is to
copy this link to your browser and fill out the form.
Then send a message to XXXXXX (just search for his
name in the 'search citizen' bar at the top right) letting
him know that I recruited you into the National Guard.
He will assign you a squad. It might even be mine, then I
will be seeing you soon.
As soon as you reach 3.0 strength, you will be able to
transfer to the Army if you wish, or you can stay in the
National Guard.
Your new squad leader will send you a link to a
spreadsheet that you should fill out weekly so that you
will be paid for your service.
Are you aware of the gift exchange program? I will
explain it: If someone sends you a gift, it increases your
wellness. If you send someone else a gift, it increases their
wellness. So, you can be set up on an exchange with
someone else who also needs their wellness boosted so
that you can help each other reach 100% wellness.
If you are interested, I will keep your name and when
someone else also needs help with wellness, I will put
you two together. You would buy a gift each day and send
it to them. They will do the same. Within a few weeks,
you will both be at 100% wellness.
Please let me know if you are interested in the gift
exchange program. I would also appreciate a reply
message from you letting me know when you fill out your
application to the National Guard and send a message to
XXXXXX. That way I can know that you are recruited.
Good luck to you Soldier!
X Squad Leader,X Division of the National Guard

A questo punto,se si seguono le indicazioni,si dovrebbe già essere relativamente coinvolti e,a mio avviso anche ben informati,su alcune dinamiche di gioco.Le amicizie intanto diventano sistematiche.E il wellness gestito in maniera privata,ma immediata.

Dopo ancora un paio di giorni,si viene contattati per le prime due missioni:
Hello soldier!
You made the right decision joining the eUSA Army. You are assigned to the National Guard, 1st Squad, 2nd Division.
Your first order is to visit the links below and report to report back to me upon completion. When you report back to me include your present strength. You will be a member of 1st Squad until you reach strength 3.00. When you reach strength 2.00 report back to me and you will be assigned to the 2nd Squad.
Your first basic duty as an eUSA soldier is to TRAIN DAILY on your strength. Combined with Wellness, your strength is the most decisive factor in fights on the battlefield.
For your first day, I order you to complete the following training:
If you have already received this letter and have followed the instructions, please disregard and consider this my appology for spamming you! If you have received this once before please respond to me and let me know who sent it to you and who you contacted.
Together, we will make the eUSA the strongest country in New World!
Acting NG Colonel,X Division

Il proseguo lo posterò nei giorni sucessivi,altrimenti mi classificano Wiki.
Invito comunque,anche chi,come me,ha problemi con l'inglese a visitare i link postati,principalmente gli ultimi 2...A mio parere interessanti.
Faccio comunque notare che anche l'esercito eitaliano produce filmati e iniziative.
Magari sarebbe importante mirare a un targhet di cittadini il più basso possibile e nella maniera più capillare possibile.