Sick friend

Day 3,493, 14:35 Published in USA Brazil by George Washingtonn

A son asked his mother:
"Mother, may I go to the hospital to see my friend?" He is sick!

The mother answers with a question:
"Of course, but what does he have?"

The son with the head lowered, says:
Tumor in the brain.

The furious mother says:
"And you want to go there for what?" Watch him die?

The son turns his back on him and goes ... Hours later he turns red from crying, saying:
"Mother, it was so horrible, he died in front of me!"

The angry mother:
- And now?! Are you happy ?! Thanks so much for seeing that scene ?!

One last tear fell from his eyes and accompanied by a smile, he sai😛
"Very much, because I came in time to see you smile and say: I was sure you were coming!

Friendship is not just about good times, about joy, about partying ...

Friend, it's for all hours, good or bad, sad or happy!