Shining Star News eIrish Edition Day 908

Day 908, 13:20 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bristel Akina
Today's Report on eIreland and the rest of the eWorld

eIreland begins process of signing MPP with eMalaysia once again

In what seems to be an important move to prevent stagnation of military and civilian action, eIreland proposes a Military Protection Pact with eMalaysia, which at one time was dropped in favor of an MPP with eSpain.

eUkraine attacks eRomania at Southern Basarabia, eRomania holds on

An eRomanian attack on Southern Basarabia, an originally eMoldovan region, was conquered, then attacked by neighbor eUkraine, a member of the Entente, which did not break the wall, and was secured by eRomania.

What this means for eRomanian interests or eUkrainian policy is yet to be seen, but it is clear that the Entente is definitely pro-Phoenix.

This may in fact be a distraction to bring eRomania away from resistance wars popping up in eBulgaria.

eJapan continues its expedition into the heart of eSouth Korea

eJapan in the last week or two has been the topic of interest in the eWorld, as it has invaded eSouth Korea.

It is not clear if they intend to completely wipe out the small Asian country on the Korean Peninsula, or quit while bagging a few nice vassal states for their Emperor.

Today, there are four open battles between the Brolliance member eJapan and neutral eSouth Korea:

-Gyeongsangbuk-Do: Resistance war
-Gyeongsangnam-Do: Attacked by eJapan
-Chungcheongbuk-Do: Attacked by eJapan
-Chungcheongnam-Do: Attacked by eJapan

Outlook on eIreland, Brolliance and the eWorld

It seems that the war in Europe will continue into the near future, with countries joining in that are relatively new to the fray, such as eBulgaria and eUkraine.

eBulgaria has been sent messages via the newsmedia asking for them to consider joining EDEN as an alternative to being stuck nowhere, by offering the chance to invade eTurkey and eIran in order to satisfy resource needs and RL "tensions".

So far, eBulgaria has not looked tempted, but that may change as the war in Europe evolves.

eJapan seems to have reignited their version of "Manifest Destiny", and has continued to head west and spread through eSouth Korea.

I foresee that as continuing, unless eJapan loses initiative. Currently only eMalaysia is MPP'd with eSouth Korea, but eMalaysia hosts training wars, and may be more interested in fighting in those.

eIreland's signing of eMalaysia's MPP will bring more training wars that citizen fighters can participate in, even when the Defense Forces are deployed elsewhere in an non-MPP fight.

Shining Star News looking for guest writers and interviewees

If you are interested in writing articles for SSN in the topics of economy, industry, or politics, please PM Bristel Akina. Please do so as well, if you are interested in being an interviewee, which can bring a lot of publicity on a project or mission you want to get out there in the spotlight.

-Bristel Akina, Editor