Sheogorath Corporation - Week 2 Report

Day 3,218, 21:34 Published in Norway Norway by Major Lee Hung

Greetings all,

Previous Reports
Week 1

CEO's Statement

This Week
Accidentally missed a day of work reducing overall weekly production. Production of WRM greatly increased using old rubber plantations created awhile ago - using employees to boost the output of Q7 tanks.

The Week Ahead
No major plans - going to continue at current production levels for another week before investing further in more employees. Prices are currently up about 8% on last week and it's my hope they increase further.

Financials - Speculative, sales aren't completed just yet

W2 Income
Aircraft sales: 673 @ $30.60
Q7 tank sales: 5,000 @ $9.80
Total sales value: $69,953.80

W2 Expense

Work tax: ~$3,640 (All to eThailand)
Sales tax: $699.54 (All to eNorway once sales complete)
Voluntary operating tax: $11,205.11 (All to eNorway @ 20% of profit
Employees: 51 work @ $188 ($9,588 - various places)
Total expenses: $25,132.65

Net Profit: $44,821.15

