RW in West Srpska Republic is illegal + "unbias" moderators

Day 1,117, 05:32 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina by DinoXxX

Yesterday, Bosnia successfully defended Federation of BiH and gained initiative. However, Serbs RWed West Srpska Republic, so we couldn't attack that region immediately. However, our president put the attack on WSR in queue, and even after the RW is done, the attack still hasn't begun. It has been a few hours since WSR should have been attacked by Bosnia, since that battle is the #1 in queue (see here:

In the meanwhile, Serbs again RWed WSR (?!?!?!) which shouldn't be possible since we were #1 in the queue!

Now, admins - fix this; Bosnia should attack WSR immediately and the RW started in WSR should be discarded!

Rules are simple:

Q: You can still be attacked from 2, 3 diferent countries? but each of this countries can attack only 1 of your region? Right?

A: Exactly! You can be attacked by all your neighbors but only one region per neighbor.
So if you're country has 3 attackable regions but only 2 neighbors, only 2 regions can be attacked, one per every neighbor.

Please sign our open letter: CLICK HERE


Unban our official organizations, looks like "unbias" serbian moderators are in action, again!

Narodna Banka BiH -
BiH Foreign Office -
Infrastruktura eBiH -


Organizations are now unbaned, looks like it was just another Serbian sabotage 🙂 Fail is fail!