Day 1,205, 05:18 Published in Canada Canada by Mann551

Well, it is Wednesday, and right now, as all of us here in Canada love to do, let's:
Roll Up The Rim to Win!!!!

Today, the very first thing to take note of, is that there is no rim to roll up. This is taken care of by the simple fact, all you need to do is come up with a reason as to why you are in love with tim Hortons so badly that you read this article. State this in the comments, and then the best reason/story will win.
What's the prize? The prize for winning is a mere $10.08 Which is the cost for 5 extra large coffees, plus ecanadian taxes of 20%.

The Rules:
The Way it will work is: I will request of you to do something, and then you (eCanada) will come up with answers. The best answer for the question is chosen the winner and will walk away with a cash prize.
The cash prize will vary per week, per question.

As well, added as of today, thursday's will be the judging days, and the winner will be announced on Friday's, I will list the name of the winner, and then that person must send me a message so that way I know they are active and it is not wasted money, they will have all of friday and saturday, if there is no answer, second place will be messaged, and as soon as the message is replied to, the money will be given to them.

Note, you may make up a story! Make sure it is good and the longer the better, as long as it takes less than 5 minutes to read.