Report Kara Blok and his cheating scum / Reportujte tohto hajzla

Day 1,714, 11:47 Published in Poland Slovakia by KacmiDO

Milí hráči,

máme v kongrese opakovaného podvodníka. Prosím Vás všetkých, aby ste poslali Platovi ticket a reportli tohto hajzla, čo nám tu všetkým robí len napriek.
Úplne stačí skopírovať znenie dole uvedenej správy a podpísať sa pod ňu. Postup je nasledovný: Kliknete dole na "contact", ďalej na "submit a ticket", potom "report multiple accounts" a "congress elections". Skopírujte už len text správy a odošlite. Toto môžete kľudne zopakovať 10 - 100krát, kým sa tí zmrdi adminskí nerozhodnú konečne pohnúť zadkom 🙂

Dear Sirs,

herewith I would like to repeatedly report a notorious cheater, who´s harassing our community for a longer time already. Unfortunately the admins are unable to process this case although reported from players with silver status and higher.
During the last elections gained votes although NOBODY from the community elected him. In this case we´ve taken special care and communicated with every player. Our community is not large so it was not that hard.

Kara Blok is a cheater, PTOer, repeatedly elected into the congress with help of his multiaccounts. His actions are clearly aimed against the community in form of hostile law proposals and granting CS to other cheaters (most of them got banned already). His recent CS was given to the following person, looking much as another multiaccount of one and the same player:

On behalf of the Slovak community I´m kindly asking you: please, do something with it!

Thank you and best regards,


V mene e-slovenskej komunity Vám ďakujeme za pomoc a spoluprácu!