Rambling, part one

Day 4,556, 22:38 Published in USA USA by barbarbar6

I'm gonna take a stab at this,
Surely we'll be alright
Hey guys, I'm back with another article. I know they're pretty infrequent, but I generally like to take my time with them. I try to allow things to settle inside me before I actually articulate them. This is meant to be somewhat the first in a series of articles that are going to be more off-topic and less important. My last article was more serious, but I want to make it pretty clear that I am not really a serious person, I just found it important to write in the moment, as being called a robot didn't sit quite well with me. I want this series to be a more periodic, predictable series, generally chronicling my un-aimed thoughts.

Right now the WTP party is going through a pretty contentious, though civil, party presidency election. The last few results have been pretty obvious, and this is really the first one I have seen where the results are genuinely up in the air, though I think the incumbent probably has a slight advantage. I'm hesitant to endorse anyone quite yet, as we are still three days out from voting day, so I would like to wait to see if more articles come out from either of them. What I would like to comment about, though, is the great fact that there is even enough activity to create this amount of intra-party contention. It isn't really anything I have seen before in any other party, the type of party presidency election that requires articles from both major candidates. It's a nice sight to see, and either way the election goes, it's a good sign that activity is on the rise, and I hope that other parties are able to cultivate similar signs of activity in the future. There used to be a guy who made articles about each party president election, with statistics from each party in the Top Five, but it seems like the guy who operated that has died, which is sad to note.

Along with that, what seems to be making the oscillations around right now is an upcoming article with an interview of a guy who goes by a lot of names: Ronald Gipper Reagan, Ajay Bruno, Pizza The Hut, etc, etc. Of course, I commented that this guy is to be avoided, to which he sent me a message with the subject line "Unfriended". Totally normal stuff. He then said I must be an old player to say things like that, like his reputation is some secret that is talked about only in the backrooms of elite players, and not something that is talked about regularly and with pages and pages of documentation on forums and forums. There really is little to say that hasn't been said, but I think one general note that should be made is this: there are few on here, and none that I have met, that have faced wide persecution and accusations without doing anything to come by them. Anybody painting this portrait of themselves as a poor victim who for no reason became an effigy for a community should be looked on with suspicion. The eRepublik community is pretty widely levelheaded. Masochistic? Sure. Anyone who plays this game really does have a penchant for unnecessary suffering. But the people on this game aren't in general vindictive or widely deranged as this person claims they are. So, I simply told him to cry more. That's all I have to say on the matter.

I recently watched a movie called Synecdoche, New York. It was pretty good, and I recommend it. It may be a bit too artsy for some people's tastes, but I enjoy it.


“What a relief to have nothing to say, the right to say nothing, because only then is there a chance of framing the rare, or ever rarer, the thing that might be worth saying.”
-Gilles Deleuze