Raise Import Taxes by 5-10% - Protect our eCanadians

Day 1,830, 19:56 Published in Canada USA by Michael 23

I would propose raising our import taxes at least to a modest 5% but hopefully to as high as 10%. I look forward to congress to perhaps debate the topic this term but I thought I would propose it now.

Many eCanadians are complaining about the dumping of products on the eCanadian marketplace and particularly weapons at least from what I've seen, and I thought to write a short article and easy read to at least highlight some of the points I've come to understand. Hopefully, these topics will be debated in congress and a decision finally made.

The Points in Favor of Import Taxes:

Our eCanadians are having a harder time selling their products and they’re the ones that hire, produce and fight for eCanada. They also fund our economy for our WRM and FRM which is a key industry for newer players. They deserve to earn money for the products they produce.

Most countries in eRep have import taxes. Countries with full bonuses have import taxes as high as 99% while other countries range from a modest 5% to higher figures like 35%, 50% and so on. Even our allies have import taxes. For details and an overview check erep stats.

A 5-10% import tax would not significantly curb imports but would perhaps prevent dumping to a certain extent. Furthermore, given our VAT of 10%, a 5-10 % import tax could help us raise money from foreigners instead of just raising our VAT to tax both eCanadians and foreigners. Import taxes make it worthwhile for us to tax the abundant resource producing foreigners instead of just our eCanadians.

While a 1% import tax does allow for cheaper products it significantly harms our producers when they face dumping and yet they have to pay for wages and WRM and FRM that they most likely buy in eCanada. Foreign producers fund their own citizens and their own WRM and FRM industries that support their newer players.

An import tax is favored by many players from what I’ve seen, particularly for weapons, and as such reflects our collective views. As these are our collective views, they should be put into effect by our government for eCanada. I'll leave this open for debate to congress but I'm sure many would favor import taxes of at least 5%.

Based on the points mentioned, I would favor an increase in import taxes as I'm sure some other players would as well. As I explained, I didn't want to write a detailed laborious article but one to the point. I hope we do implement import taxes at least as low as 5% and I look forward to congress' deliberation on these topics this term.