Programme of Iron and Wine

Day 551, 07:53 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kixtart
General Programme of Iron and Wine
Iron and Wine has always been open to new experiences and to new opportunities. One big new experience was started not so long ago, the merger of the eNetherlands and eBelgium. Together these countries became the United Netherlands. It is the opinion of the Iron and Wine party that this merger is a move which benefits both our countries. We think the Belgian people that joined are a great asset to our culture and society. Therefore Iron and Wine will strife to as much equality as possible. Currently the government of the United Netherlands is thinking of placing an hospital in a former Belgian region. Iron and Wine supports this to show that we are 1 country now! However we are aware that it is not the most efficient location to place a hospital.

Home Affairs

Iron and Wine supports the idea of giving a ‘voice’ to parties which aren’t big enough to get in the in-game congress. However we think that rules about these out-game congress members should be very clear and strict. We don’t want to put the quality of the discussion down.

We also support the use of the forum of the eUnited Netherlands and the IRC channel. We are aware that most people only look in-game to news articles. But due to the great advantage a forum has (an discussion can be more structured and won’t disappear after 2 days) we think the forum should be used intensively.

Home Affairs should also take care of new citizens to our great nation. We would like to see regular articles in the media for ‘newbie’s’ with some extra explanation about the game. This includes fighting tutorials, information about wellness and communication channels of the eUnited Netherlands Community. The coaching program which was set up during the term of a former Iron and Wine minister should be continued, the current head coach, Iron and Wine member, Crell, is doing a good job in helping new citizens.

For Iron and Wine the e United Netherlands is a free country where everyone has the right to settle here and to participate in the political debate, work and be active in our society. We stimulate to use English in the news, for our French speaking users who would like to participate in the debates as well.

Foreign Affairs

Iron and Wine would like to continue the plans of the ENAP, in which the countries sign the Non Aggresive Pacts and work together on other fronts.
Currently this is still going in ex-ATLANTIS, neutral and PEACE, but suppose this could grow to something more than that in the future.
Our relationships with our neighsbours are important for us.

We do want this country to stay an active PEACE member. We've been friendly with the countries from this alliance and will stay supporting them whenever that is neccesary.
This support will normally be military or the safeholding of independence of countries (like the attacks to get Russia or Mexico back on the map).
Our allies will for their turn protect our union from dangers.


Luckily the proposal to participate in the wargames between Chile and Argentina is accepted by the people of the United Netherlands, both by the Dutch as the Belgians.
The call for donations has been answered too, so the costs for the government is minimal.
These wargames will give our country the neccesary military experience without requiring our half population to travel around the world, and for lower prices.

Participating in the wars of our allies does stay important though. The Flying Dutchmen will still be used in conflict areas to help our allies in the battle.
The budget of Defense shouldn't go down, realy, because it still gives us good things in the form of friendship and respect.
The price will be paid back because our friendship makes sure that our country stays protected, and the hospitals sell for a good profit.

We also want our current PEACE ambassadors to remain active within PEACE. They're doing important work for us and the other countries.

That said, we also want another government company for Q1 weapons, so there are always weapons available for our soldiers. To pay that price the Defense budget can increase.


Like said earlier at Home affairs, it is important to give information about wellness. A higher wellness leads to a more efficient productivity.

Furthermore we want the government to let the monetary market stabilise on its own. This way the government saves on gold costs and there is some freedom for individuals to make some profits.

Iron and Wine would like to see a president for the Dutch Bank who takes care of increasing the funds available on the bank, through the Monetary Market.

Even though our party supports a free economy and wages free for the market to decide, we believe there should be a CAO (Collective Employees Agreement), so employees get paid a decent salary. There should also be some state companies in certain areas that can coexist next to private companies. These state companies won't be in competition with other companies on the market.

Raw materials

In the United Netherlands grain is the only raw material. The Ministry of Raw Materials does good work by providing companies with the other raw materials. Next to that, there should be looked for partners in other countries who want to export to our country. Part of an export license could be reimbursed.

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