Prices and wages 8th May

Day 4,187, 01:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grogu.

My loyal Uker's,

They can't silence the truth.

Due to the finest minds lately you might have found yourself out of a job or you might not be able to find a UK boss,it just says sorry we are wiped ! UK business will go out of business soon ! Well just in case that has happened to you, The UK Government don't care so check out the top wages of the day.How much do you earn at the moment,are you getting your true worth? if not leave your boss and make more money today.

Earn your worth.

The top wages today are:

1545 from Wontid Gummelton

Here is a link if you want to be paid the best.


1545 from Emphs


The cheapest q7 today 93

This can be found here,only 50 left.

or 94 , 600 left

q2 food

The cheapest is 60p

Beware buying off UK market. The cattle is infected with BSE that is why our Dictator sells his for 1.00 ripping off UK customers.

q1 house

The cheapest is 6,657

Beware buying off the market, our builders try to rip you off that why they are charging 343 more pounds for the same product.

These are the prices today, I would shop around if you need to buy anything the UK market is normally much higher than elsewhere, if you ever need the cheapest price just ask me, saving money is the key to happiness.

My UK friends are great free thinkers this song is dedicated to you.

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Kylo The mad dog.