Presentacion del Ministro /// Introduction of the Minister

Day 230, 14:41 Published in Spain Spain by Ministerio de Asuntos Exterior

Tras la dimision de asimov, me siento muy orgulloso de comunicarles que el nuevo Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores es un servidor, Bolonia. Darle gracias a MVerslayer por darme esta oportunidad.

A pesar de que renuncie a mi escaño de CyD y a participar en el programa del partido por una previsible falta de asistencia, he accedido a aceptar este puesto de manera interina hasta el dia 18.

En estos dias, me centrare en lograr la creacion de una solida estructura interna que pueda actuar en caso de que el ministro se encuentre ausente o indispuesto, en lograr una mayor visibilidad de eEspaña a nivel global que se corresponda con su status de figura. Queremos conseguir que eEspaña sea el elemento estabilizador sobre el que rote el eMundo.

Todo esto, apoyados por nuestros magnificos aliados (la AM) y los que faltan por llegar. Asi, tambien me gustaria que la AM se convirtiese en el faro que guie a los pueblos esclavizados y conquistados a liberarse del yugo de la opresion, sea cual sea su origen.

Y, se preguntaran los ciudadanos, ¿como conseguiremos semejante? Ya he comenzado la creacion de un grupo de super-delegados dependientes unicamente del ministro, que se repartiran por zonas estrategicas para concluir las misiones diplomaticas encomendadas. Este grupo, que sera de momento secreto, estara formado por gente altamente especializada y con mucho recorrido internacional. Cuentan con toda mi confianza y libertad para lograr los objetivos. Confio en su discreccion y buen hacer.

Sin mas, pedir a todos los ciudadanos paciencia con este ministro que acaba de llegar. Pronto tendremos un informe completo del conflicto turco-griego, junto con la postura oficial del ministerio.

Un abrazo 😛

After the resignation of the former Foreign Affairs Minister, Asimov, Im glad to announce that I, Bolonia, will be the new minister. I wanted to thank MVERSLAYER for providing me with this opportunity.

Despite my public resignation, in which I gave away my Congress seat and my status in CyD, basically due to a possible lack of participation, Ive finally agreed to this honour, at least till the 18th.

During these ten days, Ill try to organize a consolidated and solid internal structure which would be able to continue working even without the ministers presence. Ill stress on the matter of eSpain’s importance in the eWorld. I believe eSpain deserves to be considered according to its real status inside the game. I want eSpain to be the nucleus of a global stability and peaceful era.

I believe all this wont be possible without the help of our valuable allies (the MA), and more to come. I believe the MA will provide the correct guidance to those citizens oppressed by a foreign country.

And, our citizens would wonder, how is this to be achieved? Ive already started the creation of a group of super-delegates, responding only after the minister, who will spread around the eGlobe to close all the valuable deals offered. This group, which, for the moment, will remain secret, is made up by a group of talented and well known Spanish citizens. They have my absolute consideration and respect, and will be able to move freely. Ive provided them will all the licenses there are to conclude their missions. I believe in them, in their generosity and good-will.

Last of all, Id like to ask you, the citizens, to have patience with these humble minister that just arrived. Well soon provide you with a report on the greek-turkish conflict, along with the official Minister’s opinion.

All my love 😛

Pd. Excuse me for my poor English, but I cannot put down anything better atm