Presa trollata de sarbi

Day 1,722, 11:07 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Mitzoi

Astazi fu zi zbuciumata pt cetatenii eRomaniei. Dupa socul anticipat al admiterii furtului de catre fostul prezident interim, eRo o luat-o razna.

Cum adica, bah!, sa uitam CROMANIA? Cum vine asta, bah!, sa ne infratim cu eSarbii? D-apoi, domnilor bah!, eSarbii ne calaresc pe orice teritoriu prind si noi sa le intoarcem spatele sa o faca mai bine??

Noh, d-apoi sa va spun o poveste, ca tot va plac siroapele. Cica se trezi un eSarb azi-dimineata strafulgerat de o idee si zise asa: Bah! azi facem circ in presa eRO! Sa vedeti ce-mi mananca fraierii aia din palma! Ha! F@#$ losers!

Si o inceput dude-ul sa troleze in stanga si indreapta: care imi publica, bah!, si mie un articol? Hai ca e din ala cu iubire de frati si iertarea pacatelor, ca in telenovele, bah!

Noh, eu va zic asa: Bagati-va mintile in cap pana nu rade tot universul de voi, nu numai eSarbii!


Za dom spremni !!

Brothers stand to defend our Homes
Croat stand by Croat, we all are brothers
You won't come in Cavoglave, as long as we are alive
Shots from Thompson, Kalashnikov and Zbrojevka
Throw a bomb, pursuit this band across the river
Step forward, shot from rifle, we are singing
For home brothers, for liberty. we are fighting
Hear us, Serbian band and Cetnici
Our hand will come for you even in Serbia
God's right will come for you, everybody knows that
You will be judged by soldiers from Cavoglava
Hear now message from saint Elijah
You won't come in Cavoglave, and you didn't before
My Croats, dear brothers from Cavoglava
Croatia will never forget you.