PPP Orthodoxy (Neon Genesis Éireanngelion) 2

Day 5,581, 08:22 Published in Ireland Ireland by Violence Seth


On day 5,581, in a small village nestled along the coast of eEstonian occupied Clare, a mystic known simply as the Teacher arrived at the break of dawn. He was a revered figure, timeless and evolved. His presence was noted among the local dignitaries as a bad omen, yet many sought his counsel on matters both worldly and spiritual. He often choose silence in response and his teachings, said aloud, were often cryptic, so not all who came to him left with the answers they sought.

One day, a group of young wannabe acolytes arrived at the Teacher's cave, desperate for guidance. They were a motley crew of hopeless rejects, each with their own dire troubles and insurmountable uncertainties. The Teacher welcomed them with open arms, knowing that their journey would not be an easy one.

"Come, sit with me by the sea," he said, leading them to the rocky beach where the waves crashed against the shore. "I will teach you about the grey sands, and what they can teach us about life."

The would be acolytes looked at each other in confusion, wondering what significance the dull, lifeless sand could possibly hold. Amidst the acolytes' fervent excitement, the Teacher remained tranquil and serene, his gaze ablaze with an unfathomable depth of wisdom.

"You see this sand?" he asked, scooping up a handful of the blackened white shoal shell sand. "It may seem unremarkable to you, but it is in fact a symbol of great importance. For this grey sand represents the trials and tribulations of life, the obstacles we must overcome in order to find our true purpose."

The acolytes listened intently, hanging on the Teacher's every word. He continued, his voice rising like a falcon and falling like the tides.

"Pride, passion, and perseverance are mere keys to the next step of each and every one of your own true hearts passions. Ito, a soul lack of pride cannot take ownership of a life, and will forever be at the mercy of fate. Ito, left wanting passion, none can find the motivation to pursue dreams, and will wander aimlessly through life. Postremo me iterare, without perseverance, none can weather the hardships that, like this tide before you, shall inevitably come. All work, both great and small, crumbles under the weight of doubt and fear."

The acolytes nodded, slowly understanding the importance of the Teacher's message. But they were still unsure how to apply it to their own lives.

"Remember," the Teacher said, scattering a handful of grey sand to the wind. "Life is not a permanence, life is flux. One shaped by the tides of fate. And on this beach we see the ripples of such fates, held fast, but soon to lose form with each reaching seventh wave. But in knowing the value of pride, passion, and perseverance, we can traverse these obstacles and create opportunities, and most importantly, find the beauty and wonder that lies hidden beneath the oceans foaming and it's endless reflection in the sky above."

With those words, the hapless acolytes departed, their hearts filled with hope and determination. However, their minds were troubled by the enormity of the sky sized words of the Teacher. Some sought him out soon after, but he was long gone. They knew that their journey ahead would be a difficult one, their own to make. But gladdened by the Teachers words they also knew that the grey sands would guide them. They ventured inland to make their angst known, having lived so long on the coast, the Teacher had given them the option of a voice.

There is so much to learn about eRepublik's past. Trivial things to do in the present and so much more to unveil in it's future. If you're interested in Dioism, write about it. Don't ask. Just do whatever you'd have done onto you. I haven't been given the rules and players who know can scarcely remember them. Za Warudo is yours to explore.

P.S Write a rebuttal, if you dare.

Ya boi,

Seth the Magnificent