Plato's Foundation: A Proposal

Day 3,542, 21:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

Plato’s Foundation: A Proposal

Looking at the forum, I see a fair amount of enthusiasm, but also a fair amount of skepticism about this. So in addition to my proposal, I would request that Plato, or whoever is running the Foundation at the time, issue regular reports, at least one per month. These reports will detail the proposal, the pros and cons of implementation, implications for other players, implications for e-countries and e-governments, and the final “verdict” on whether or not the suggestion will be implemented, not implemented, or implemented in modified form.

This article should be published in English. If other languages are required, the leadership of the country or countries in which the other language is spoken should be able to translate. If there are problems, most countries have multilingual citizens, perhaps a roster can be created and maintained of the more active players and the languages in which they are fluent.

Now to my proposal:

It is my belief that many players have left eRep due to a small minority of players who troll, flame and cheat. We’ve had PTOs and MTOs, both of countries and political parties. We have thieves and people who just like to disrupt everyone for the lolz.

In the world we aim to replicate, a country can exile or deport a citizen. Political parties can refuse to enroll or strip membership from those who fail to maintain its standards. (Okay, let’s leave the current RL USA situation out of this argument, it’s my belief that someone spiked the country’s water supply with something very strange!)

In eRep, the party leadership has no control over who joins a party. The country leadership has some control over immigration, but it ends there.

My suggestion is that Party Presidents, with the concurrence of 2 of the 3 named officers, and Country Presidents with the concurrence of 2/3 of the vote from Congress (assuming that about a third of the Congress members get elected, grab their gold and disappear without ever voting), be granted the authority to remove members from the party roster or to exile citizens from the e-country.

Upon being so removed, the removed/exiled player would require specific approval to rejoin the party or country, using the same basis on which they were approved for removal.

Impact: This should restrain some of the more egregious behaviour on eRep. Hopefully, that will lead to more new players staying with the game instead of leaving after a quick look.

My personal contribution would be as a Party President, an office I have held a number of times and likely will hold quite a few more. I am also willing, as an ex-editor, to review the articles for grammar, spelling, and cohesion.