Party Presidential Platform (Alliteration ftw)

Day 903, 12:49 Published in USA Canada by Greene12

I've really got 3 part platform this month, but don't worry not all the planks are that bad. My first and most important plank, is the last 25 days I've served as PP. This past month is the best thing you can really consider if you've been active in the party to have witnessed events yourself. My second plank, the article I published prior to this one, is not "why you should vote for me" stuff, its a short account of my time in the party and in the game, its less important than if you've been active this past month, but I think more informative than this will be. The third plank is this article, which I think will turn into more of a "state of the party" address then a "vote for me?" type article.

I like to think this has been a pretty successful month. All of our departments have a capable director, and are functioning wonderfully. We got some people into congress, and have better systems for getting more people into congress this month. Every department is growing. R&R has developed fantastically (David Landon) and the political department is more on top of its game than its been since CnB ran it (Firesand). EZC is making improvements, operating more efficiently and expertly by the day (Mitchrapp). Our media has started to get off the ground recently, a new director is in (Josh Eagle) and already doing well with the position, this is the latest change and still has yet to prove itself, but I'm very optimistic. I'm thrilled to say that the FOP continues to do its job, its one of the toughest aspects of the party in my opinion to maintain for a long term, but the director of the FOP (Talio Extremist) has been executing the position expertly. Keeping people in these positions is my first job. I think (hope) most of these guys will stay on for another month, especially considering each most of them came to their position only in the past month.

My biggest concern this month is newbies. Each department has developed this month, changing in some way or another to require a larger staff. This is great, because we've got a good number of new people joining our forums every week, we get them into a job and they have more fun, they contribute, and they hopefully get to benefit more from the party as well. Currently, I think we're doing a good job of this. A few departments in particular, the Federalist Outreach Program, Easy Company Party Militia, and Recruitment & Retention can all take on large amounts of staff, EZC in particular is made to accommodate any number of people. The worse case scenario is running out of positions that a new player can fill, the option needs to be there for them. This is good for the newbie, this is good for the Country, and its good for our party.

Secondly, there is a mess of external politics going on. It seems fashionable recently to PTO other AMERICAN parties. This party will not take part in this while I'm PP. Other party’s politics are their own. This party needs to continue to secure its own elections (this is already going along great in the current PP race thanks to FireSand), and continue to be aware that not all parties share our standards and sense of what a party is. We are not a tool of game mechanics to be used for getting people into congress, we're not even a tool for keeping threatening parties out of the top 5. Parties can be used this way, sure, but the Federalist Party is no game mechanics tool, we have our own history, community, and memories of months of work put into getting us where we are now. While I'm PP, the mess of PTOs will not come to the feds, I'm not getting involved.

My number one goal this coming month is to really get some more media presence. We have several good writers in the party and I think the appointment of Josh Eagle will help this happen. Expect a nice chunk of the in-game party gold to be gone in another 30 days, I want to reward good authors with party advertising. This gets our writers comments, subs, and a warm fuzzy feeling of appreciation. At the same time it helps the party get active members. Media has been my biggest failing point this month, I hope to get the opportunity to work on this.

However the 15th goes, its my most sincere hope that a skilled, dedicated, and active Party President is elected. Departments can still function without a PP, but the party as a whole cannot progress without one. Its my belief that a parties growth is tied to its president’s devotion and activity. Feds, read articles, read debate threads and logs, cast your vote with firm conviction. In some capacity or another, I'll see you on IRC on the 16th.

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