Padre, Serbian Lion!

Day 3,296, 10:09 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by El Fap Padre

Bulgarians always strike twice,
Our ancestors taught us wise.
Never trust them cause wicked they are,
They will try to steal pupil from your eye.

At the end of the battle,
Where enemies corpses are lying down ,
Miminka tried to steal glory
From El Fat Padre, God's best pal!

While Padre drinks red red vine,
And watches Sun in the sky,
Cowardly beings, that bulgars are.
Hitted our brave hero right from behind.

But Padre like gray bird of pray
In blink of the eye blocked her áim.
"Are you mad, stupid cow?
I must kill you now!"

Miminka feared started to cry,
Begged for mercy, screaming out loud!
Padre wasn't strong, her face was pretty
So he spared her life, in exchange for naked titty!

When Padre turns his back again,
Miminka blood boiled in her veins
Another chance she won't miss now!
She will kill Padre somehow!

He didn't have any another way.
He draw mighty sabre in right hand,
Fire in his eyes sealed her faith!
And spilled the blood from her veins!

He took her head from the ground,
On a pale he arise it high
So everyone can see, so everyone can known
That Padre isn't a noobish clown!

Also i'v becomed Dicktator Tranny and Good Of War. If anyone need tanks, beep me in comment how awesome I am!