Overview Update 666777999 / FEDERALIST NEWSLETTER 1.3

Day 3,719, 22:39 Published in USA USA by Mark Matters

Overview Update 666777999

Capitol Data Report
Federalist Newsletter 1.3

Whert art thou numbers?
A perplexing paradox of contradictory numbers or numerical magic to simply achieve your interest. A talisman if you will.

I would like to apologize for my recent brief absence, as we all know, RL duty prevails.


Here at Capitol Data Report, we have decided on a new structure design in our future media content.

From now on, our Capitol Data Reports will consist of combinations and topics in a more compressed format.

This will include the Federalist Newsletter issues.

Continuing, we will provide a consolidated, continued effort for your viewership pleasure, yet we have decided full articles with exception, are too inefficient.

Sorry if this bothers you and thank you for reading.

Let us begin.

Announce Bulletin:

Fed Media Dept. is now hiring a Deputy Media Director! Apply by PM!

eUSA President Pfeiffer breaks the unusual silence that has encompassed the beginning of his term with a brief explanatory article on geopolitics.


Meta Mystery

We begin with meta mysteries stumping even the most prolific fake scientists studying this topic today.

The puzzling problem of country meta forums such as eUSA forums and a “legal” limbo that has happened for many registrants new to the eUSA.

Questions that have arisen during the private study group;

Who approves new registrants?

If meta forums are connected to a country’s public offices and services, should it not be an instant access forum for all the easily verified eUSA citizens?

Sources say officials claim the delay, sometimes extending into month long waits if not longer, is due to national security background checks, but our other sources imply the problem is a gross negligence on the administration moderators part.

Regardless of standpoint on the controversial use of off site forums, if meta forums are essential to governmental duties, should they be administered more effectively?

Silence Abounds

Notorious Rosa Violet Carson aka known as Phil Harmony and highly suspected to be the infamous Valiant Thor, has disappeared from public eye, receding back into a silence after a scathing public media campaign brought against the player after controversial statements pertaining to corruption in the government and SFP. The player could not be reached by our office for comment. Sources close to the character have confirmed that “rude goodbyes” were sent to numerous other players after the media campaign wrought havoc to the figures reputation alluding to the conclusion Rosa has decided to abstain from in game participation perhaps for good or not.

Geopolitical War Game Continues

The war games that are enacted by the eUSA and Great Britain will continue as scheduled according to sources close to the president and according to the presidents own media update. This will continue to provide a lucrative opportunity for newer players and old alike in their pursuit of coveted True Patriot (TP) medals as well as the Freedom Fighter (FF).


Ongoing games announced in our previous Fed update will continue as scheduled.

Congratulations to our very first Cool Comment Award winner
🥇Mr. Horn. The winner of a 2500cc cash award.

Congressional elections commenced over the past few days reaping what appears to be another Federalist victory.

Thank you sincerely to all the outstanding Feds and people that voted for our party. It is a mandate for leadership of our nation and a honor we humbly will advance and protect in the coming elections.

A Trivial Data Award will be announced shortly, so if you have not commented on our previous article, do so now!
If not, or you forget, you will be missing out on a chance for an easy 💰cold hard 3000cc cash prize!

As always I would like to thank you for reading, Stay tuned for more updates and remember if you want to help support our efforts here at Capitol Data, give a vote and subscribe for more!

Stay proud and horny Feds!

Sincerely, MM