Our First Field Marshal!

Day 706, 07:46 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army

Rank Emblem of a Japanese Field Marshal

Our First Field Marshal

"It is with great pride that I announce the promotion of the Japanese Imperial Army's first Field Marshal, Franz Sigel."
-KITA Ikki

There are other Field Marshals in eJapan, however few, but Field Marshal Franz Sigel was the first trained largely under the program instituted by the Ministry of Defense under new Minister of Defense, KITA Ikki. General Glxblt will likely be promoted to Field Marshal in the next few days. Their tireless efforts at fighting and training have made them formidable warriors.

NOTE: an update, Field Marshal Glxblt is the JIA's second Field Marshal, as of yesterday. Congratulations!

AWOL and the Consequences

Our First AWOL soldier

Former eNorth Korean Ranger Nietzsche has gone Absent Without Leave (AWOL), posting no resignation in the national forums Army section. The Ministry of Defense informed him several days ago upon noticing that he was working for an eNorth Korean company--Trogdor's Arrows (clever company name!)--that he would not be eligible for weapons distribution until he returned. He applied for eNorth Korean citizenship, stating:

"I want to be citizen of glorious nation of eNK. For the third time. I was born here, i'd like to die here as well."

If you see Ranger Nietzsche sneaking around eJapan, feel free to apprehend him and/or beat him like a red-headed stepchild (or their obedient Japanese equivalent).

Unit Reorganization
The current role of the Minister of Defense has largely been one of "glorified quartermaster," distributing training weapons and recording battle damage data and fight counts. Desk work! Hardly what I signed up for, although an important part of the job. In order to increase eJapan's ability to contribute to its alliances and other commitments abroad, I would like to reorganize the mobile soldiers into independently-operating units with orgs and small budgets/Q5 weapons stockpiled in the inventories for ready availability. Since each unit's members will have access to the org passwords, they will be able to supply themselves whether I am online or not. This will also save time during emergencies as weapons will already be available in the orgs, not stockpiled in the weapons companies. We already have the first two test organizations create😛 Teishin Shudan (created by Koppanyi Ferenc) and Imperial Japanese Airforce (created by no1kevlin).

Obviously accountability is a major concern here. I do not intend to give org passwords to anyone who hasn't been in the training program/JIA/JIN for a long time. I believe soldiers like MacOllie, Franz Sigel, Ferrinas, and Glxblt can be trusted with budget and weapons. All expenditures and donations will be posted in the MoD forums so we know where the money/equipment is going. Budget for the individual unit orgs will be distributed from the JIA/JIN parent organizations.

A related [discussion] thread in the national forums is located here:


Budget Information
The latest weapons distributions and expenditures list is available at the following link in the national forums:


Minister of Defense