Omega Eireann: The Candidates

Day 3,749, 02:01 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D

Dear citizens of eIreland,

This article will be a brief one, so you all can sigh in relief.

As the Party President of Omega Eireann, I just wanted to put forward to you today our candidates for the upcoming congress elections. These people will be the ones representing you, the citizens of eIreland, should they be lucky enough to secure enough votes.

Whilst the game does not have it's own Dáil Éireann or Seanad Éireann, the closet it is to real life would be referring it to as the Dáil Éireann due to the fact the citizens elect our congress members, but working with President in the Oireachtas to hopefully help steer eIreland into green pastures.

Anyway, I did promise the article to be brief, so I will stop waffling on.

This term, Omega Eireann will be entering with 5 congress candidates. Each of these players/people/objects behind a computer/phone screen have a wealth of experience in eRep. Whilst some might be quiet, others are vocal when fighting for the rights of You the citizens of eIreland.

Whilst we will be limited to congress seats due to the so called 'Training War', I ask, you the citizens of eIreland, to put your faith and vote into Omega Eireann to ensure your voices are heard in congress.

Thanking you,
Rusty D