Norsefires Economic Policies

Day 269, 13:55 Published in Canada Canada by Tantis

A solution to our Problem

During the next few weeks until General Elections, we will announce our policies in a series of articles, in which the citizens will comment their opinions and we will amend our policies.

The Economic Issue in which we currently face here in Canada is, the current demand for jobs and the Government to do something.

So Norsefire is here to answer that demand. Come September 1rst we will create the Q1 Trainers in Housing, Weapons, Gifts and Moving. We know it is costly therefor we have many solutions that will help us in the long run.

These companies will be funded by the Government and will be used only to train citizens to skill 3.00, and they will be fired upon reaching 3.00 skill and must find a new job.

Subsidies will no longer be given to private Q1 companies upon buying the Government Owned Trainers. Instead we will be given no-interest loans to current Trainers to upgrade to Q2, in which the loan must be paid in full within three months. And we will also give no-interest loans to companies, (that have paid their initial loan) to buy 1 export license. This to must be paid in full with in three months.

In order to gain what we lose in making the companies we will raise our current VAT and Income Taxes to 7%. This will be a short time fix until we make up what we lost in the creation of the Q1 Trainers.

We also hope to double whatever is in our Nations gold reserves this month by the end of September.

Any suggestions, Support our policy say so here, and Vote us up.