My Return and Apologies

Day 283, 20:18 Published in Canada Canada by Tantis

Well I have returned. So I was supposed to move and didn't and then we moved anyway. But close by. Then Last week we had a unwanted guest hit our borders, when fay hit on the 19, when she hit the are that I live winds were as high as 95 mph. I am glad to report no death in my are, but grieve for those lost in others also for the millions an billions of dollars in damage through the state, and almost 2.87 million in my area alone. We have just got our power back no more than 2 hrs ago. after almost a week with none.

id like to congratulate our local candidates that are now the Mayors of their respective regions and apologize to all Norsefire members that did not make it. I am sorry for not being here. Hopefully this is the last of any absence.