My brothers, my fellow Filipino's, I ask for your honest consideration

Day 1,292, 14:11 Published in Philippines USA by Aren Perry

Hello my Fellow Filipino's!

I write to you one last time to ask you to consider me for president with your votes tomorrow. I hope that I have detailed in my previous articles some of what I hope to do and the people who will be involved in my team and leadership serving alongside me if I become president. I hope that my testimony of my actions and continued service to our nation has proved my worthiness to you of my bid for president of the Philippines.

The honest truth of the matter is being a good president, from my experience, is less about great plans and more about being able to handle the many curveballs that happen within a month. It takes a great team to help any president do so. I am happy to say there are many great individuals that can be involved within any government no matter who the president is. I have received many emails of people who want to be involved, and I intend to give everyone possible a place to serve that will contribute to our nation's well-being.

My friends, I humbly ask that you consider voting Aren Perry tomorrow for President. Vote Aren Perry for another great month of strong leadership.

Aren Perry

Long live our great nation, brothers!