MPP's and conspiracy theories...

Day 1,181, 22:45 Published in South Korea Poland by Rory Winterbourne

New MPPs
Seemingly out of nowhere the Brazilian CP proposed an MPP with South Korea, with the Korean side of the MPP looking likely to pass. In Brazil the vote is closer, 15 -14 in favor - at the time of publication. Many Brazilian congressmen voted yes to the proposal until it was realised that South Korea had just accepted Japan as Natural Enemy.

Why does this matter? Japan and Brazil are both members of the PANAM alliance. The Brazilian congress was then instructed to “VOTEM NÃO NA MPP COM A COREIA DO SUL” With a lengthy discussion ensuing. Most notable was a post from the Brazilian Vice-presidente, Booh who appears to have negotiated the MPP with the FSR/South Korean government.

The original post can be found here.

“…Do not know if you know but the Korea, are part of the Romanian army that can generate a lot of damage. They have few MPPs, ie a few fighting options. I conducted initial negotiations with them and when we looked at 3 days ago, they wanted to avoid any MPP attack and does not to attack Japan. This NE with Japan was their mistake, but MPP is very rewarding to do.” (Translation by google)

The Interesting bit again,

“Do not know if you know but the Korea, are part of the Romanian army that can generate a lot of damage.”

This kinda implys that the government are trying to gain MPPs by pitching to country's that they are part of the Romanian army. Interesting? Let the discussion begin…