Monetary Market

Day 1,658, 14:42 Published in Greece Greece by TheKnight Rider

There is something seriously wrong with monetary market.
Prices of gold are constantly increasing while all other product prices remain exceptionaly low.
Raw prices are 0.06 cc / unit from 0.33 cc / unit before the changes.
Gold price has increased from 1000 cc / unit to 2220 / unit.
That means that the buying power of most people has been decreased by 12 times!!!
Also q5 companies are almost useless but they cost hundreads of gold.
Moreover the advent of mass destruction weapons and train upgrades makes it impossible for a poor player to grow.
We know that admins need money but there is no reason to make a player that doesnt buy gold (every week) completely useless.

However you can fix that if you implemet 5 very simple things:

->Reset the price of raw materials to 0.33 cc / unit
->Reset gold price at the monetary market to 1000 cc / unit (bots can be used if players need more gold than they produce)
->Give every player a daily strenght bonus that depends from the equetion:
(marco polos strenght - players strenght) / 4000
That means that a player with 4000 strenght will get an extra 4 strenght per day
->After 30000 strenght slightly decrease strenght gained by training
->Increase bazookas damage and make parts tradeable and sellable to the market also limiting the amount of parts that can be obtained per day