Ministry of Defense November Update

Day 734, 10:10 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army

More Active Operations

The Ministry of Defense would like to remind all soldiers to read and subscribe to the JIA Reports newspaper so that you can receive the latest [ORDERS] and support your nation's operations!

The Ministry of Defense weapons distribution program has continued operating through the month of November and should have enough funding to last until the next budget cycle after the presidential elections on December 5th. Make sure that you are purchasing your own weapons in addition to those received from the government so that you are making 4-5 armed fights per day, if it is in your ability to do so. This will maximize your rate of promotion and help the military of eJapan do more damage in battles!

We finally retired the old humvee and are now cruising to battles in our new tank!

Promotion List
The Ministry of Defense would like to congratulate the following JIA members for their battle achievements and has promoted them to the respective ranks:


Miyagi Kesuke
Reiji Mitsurugi

Raw materials for the Nippon Weapons Q5 company!

The Iron Must Flow
Mugen Corporation recently sold 1296 units of iron (432 Q3 iron) to the Nippon Weapons Q5 company for 319.68 JPY, or a world's lowest price best of approx 0.00812 gold per Q (other matching prices were only available at the time in ePeru and eIndo). Mugen Corporation's continued provision of low-priced iron makes the Q5 weapons produced by Nippon Weapons Q5 company cheaper. That means more high-quality weapons for eJapanese soldiers!

Thank yous!
A special thanks to Kizmet and Geno Garon who donated 100 gold and 588 JPY, respectively, to the JIA organization shortly after the National Treasury theft to ensure operations could continue. The gold and money was returned to them in full shortly afterwards.

Minister of Defense