Mayhem meaning

Day 3,615, 00:21 Published in Romania Romania by anda_ro

Bun gasit tuturor!

Pentru ca am fost curioasa sa aflu ce inseamna Mayhem, dincolo de explicatiile de ordin tehnic referitoare la concursul acestor zile, m-am gandit sa impart cu voi cele cateva informatii gasite.

Potrivit mai multor dictionare mayhem are mai multe intelesuri: violenta extrema, haos, dezordine; (in sens legislativ) infractiunea de a rani grav pe cineva cu scopul de a-l lasa fara aparare.

Mayhem este si numele unei formatii de black metal infiintata in 1984, in Norvegia.

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Hello everybody!

Because I was curious to know what Mayhem means, beyond the technical explanation of the contest during these days, I decided to share with you what I found it.

According to many dictionaries mayhem has various meanings such as violent or extreme disorder, chaos; (law) the crime of maliciously injuring someone originally so as to render them defenseless; a state or situation of great confusion, disorder, trouble or destruction.

Also I discovered that Mayhem it's the name of a rock band, founded in 1984 in Norway.

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