Matters settled. Hail Sparkfyre!

Day 2,042, 04:33 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Muz1
----3:15am----eDay2042----ePak Army FOB----Kochi----Kerala----
After a long day of fighting, the dust of war has finally settled. Again, we have succeeded in thwarting off an airstrike from oppressors. Civilians are coming back to their homes now. I've come here just a few hours ago, a little while before we won the campaign.

Battlefield view after the campaign. Pakistan wins a decisive victory.
CP Sparkfyre's Role:
The role of the country president is very important in eRepublik. No nation or country can succeed without a competent CP who is ready to sacrifice his time for his eNation. Unlike any CP, during the campaign, she herself took part in the operations and succeeded in shooting down 4 enemy aircraft.


This speech, was made by the CP before the campaign started. As i said before, the latter part isn't going to be a reality, and turns out I was right. xD
All jokes aside now, I would like to tell you something. FYROM was a big threat to us and it greatly outnumbered us. However, we were lucky to have Sparkyre as our President. Her outstanding leadership, co-operation and charismatic skills led us to victory over an enemy far greater in number but inferior in devotion to its resolve. As long as ePakistan stays, I am sure Sparkfyre's tenure as CP will always be remembered and looked upon as a source of inspiration for eGenerations to come.
A huge thanks to everyone who fought for us!
Hail Sparkfyre!
Hail Pakistan!
Hail NaN!
Hail China!
Hail Poland!
Hail Thailand!
Hail South Africa!
Hail Argentina!
Hail Croatia!
Hail Turkey!
Hail Hungary!
Hail Iran!
Hail Greece!
Hail Saudi Arabia!
Hats off to you gentlemen and ladies!

FYROM reaction after defeat!

Strywgr and me after Victory:

President of ePakistan (Soon to be >_> )
dMoFA of ePakistan (serving)
HoC of ePakistan (former)
Countless times MoMC
Founder and Head of ISPM (Inter-Services Public Meow)