Ligjet e Marfit - Ligjet mbi Luften (Murphy's Laws on War)

Day 1,864, 10:30 Published in Albania Turkey by spiderwii

1. Nuk je Superman! (You are not Superman!)
2. Nese dicka eshte budallallik por funksionon, atehere nuk eshte budallallik! (If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid!)
3. Mos shfaq dyshime. Eshte dicka qe terheq armiqte! (Don't look conspicuous; it draws fire!)
4. Mos terhiq zjarrin armik. Kjo gje i ben nervoz ato qe ke prane! (Never draw fire; it irritates everyone around you!)
5. Nese ke dyshime...shkarkoje te gjithe karikatorin! (When in doubt, empty your magazine!)
6. Mbaj mend qe armet qe po perdor jane prodhuar nga e njejta firme qe ka bere edhe oferten me te ulet per blerje!
7. Nese sulmi po ecen mire, me shume siguri eshte kurth! (If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush!)
8. Te gjitha bombat e dores duhet te shperthejne pas 5 sekondash, por ne te vertete shperthejne pas 3 sekondash! (Five second fuses always burn three seconds!)
9. Mos e shfaq shume veten. Ndoshta armiqte i kane fisheket te numeruar! (Try to look unimportant; the enemy may be low on ammo and not want to waste a bullet on you!)
10. Rruga me e shkurter eshte gjithmone plot me mina! (The easy way is always mined!)
11. Gjerat me te rendesishme jane gjithmone ato me te thjeshtat per tu bere! (The important things are always simple!)
12. Gjerat me te thjeshta jane gjithmone ato me te veshtirat! (the simple are always hard!)
13. Puna ne skuader eshte themelore. Jepu mundesine armiqve te kene gjithmone dike per ti gjuajtur! (Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at!)
14. Cdo gje qe ben mund te te kushtoje jeten. Edhe mos berja e asgjeje! (Anything you do can get you killed, including nothing!)
15. E vetmja gje me e sakte se zjarri armik eshte ai mik! (The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire!)
16. Radiot nuk punojne asnjehere kur duhet! (Radios will fail as soon as you need fire support!)
17. Kur te dyja palet qe jane ne konflikt jane te bindura se po humbin...kane te drejte! (When both sides are convinced they're about to lose, they're both right!)
18. Profesionistet ushtarake jane lehtesisht te parashikueshem...por bota eshte gjithe diletante! (Professional soldiers are predictable; the world is full of dangerous amateurs!)
19. Rrezja e shperthimit te nje granate eshte nje meter me teper se aftesia jote per te kercyer.
20. I vetmi territor nen kontroll eshte ai qe ke poshte kembeve.
21. Ligji i bajonetes thote qe njeriu me fisheke fiton gjithmone.
22. E vetmja menyre per te shkaterruar nje tank eshte me nje tank tjeter. Si pasoje, tanket luftojne njeri me tjetrin...nuk kane kurre kohe te ndihmojne kembesorine!
23. Nuk ka plan perfekt! (There is no such thing as a perfect plan!)
24. Jeta e lehte eshte ajo qe zakonisht te vret!
25. Nese te mungon cdogje, perveç armiqve, dije qe po lufton! (If you are short of everything but the enemy, you are in the combat zone!)
26. Fisheket jane ekonomike. Jeta jote jo!
27. Eshte me e thjeshte me harxhuar materiale ne lufte se sa te plotesosh nje çertifikate vdekjeje.
28. Nese nuk e sheh armikun, mos kujto qe ai nuk te sheh ty.
29. Mund te fitosh nje lufte pa luftuar por eshte shume e veshtire. Gjithashtu armiku mund te mos jete dakort.
30. Nese armiku nuk arrin te futet ne strofullen tende, edhe ti nuk mund te dalesh.(Make it too tough for the enemy to get in, and you won't be able to get out!)
31. Nese ke armikun ne edhe ti! (If see you, so can the enemy!)
32. Ushtrite me uniformat me elegante, humbin gjithmone. (The side with the simplest uniforms wins)
33. Asnje plan perfekt nuk zgjat me teper se 10 sekonda pas fillimit te konfliktit. (No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy!)