Keeping Tropical Fish

Day 4,146, 12:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grogu.

by the Lego Party.

Dear Readers,

Today I will bring you a little awesome guide to keeping tropical fish.

Are you looking for a pet? but don't fancy walking them everyday or being woken up first thing in the morning! if so why not buy a fish tank and some tropical fish? They are peaceful and quite and don't annoy the neighbours!

I really like to design and rearrange my tank it also keep's the fish happy, you can get some very colorful and bright fish for your tank, right now I have lots of guppies and neon tetras. They are all very playful and chase each other all day.


1: Make sure you have good bacteria in the tank, otherwise the fish will die.

2: Make sure the PH level is correct.

3: Regular water changes ,15% water change once a week.

4: Don't over crowd your tank.

5: Make sure the fish you buy will get on.

6: Don't over feed them this is very important as it takes 12 hours for a fish to digest its food,once a day is fine.

7: Make sure you have the correct temperature for fish, I set mine at 24.

8: Don't clean your filter with normal water used the tank water.

9: Keep the tank well oxygenated you can do this by purchasing an air pump and air stone.

10: Water and electric don't mix always be careful when doing anything to your tank.

Fish are very relaxing to watch and form close bonds with one another, if you choose to keep tropical fish you will have alot of fun,but it's also hard work.

I hope you enjoyed my tips and good luck in the fish world, and remember Everything Is Awesome!

Don Dapper

Lord of Lego